Welcome to the CoExist in Kindness Global Mosaic Project in Steelton, PA!

Welcome to the CoExist in Kindness Global Mosaic Project in Steelton, PA!

Welcome to the CoExist in Kindness Global Mosaic Project in Steelton, PA!

“For many years it has been in my mind to transform gray and/or abandoned spaces. It can be a street, a wall, bench, park, or anything that can be tiled up. I have seen how giving color to these spaces impacts its surroundings in positive ways.”

- Nat Moraga of “ El Parque de los Azulejos ” in Puerto Vallarta.



Tile Park Before Nat’s team started mosaics

The Tile Park today!




This August, you are invited to transform your community with colors, shapes and tiles!


It’s a community project, and we would LOVE for you to participate.


How can you help?


These are the many ways you can participate and help us make this possible!!

  • having your own tile put up at the park (limited donor tiles available, more information coming soon!)
  • making a donation directly at our gallery location (tiles, materials, tools, etc)
  • join our facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/coexistinkindnesssteelton)
  • Save plastic tubs/buckets or other materials we’ll need and drop them off at the gallery
  • Giving us a smile and saying hi as you pass by if you see us working!



Volunteer Opportunities:


We need your help!


Volunteers working at “
El Parque de los Azulejos


Ways you can help us in this community art project:


We need people that can cut tiles with an electric saw, a manual saw and nippers.

We need people who can cut tiny and big pieces of mirror,  

We need people who want to participate in making this project possible.


To be a volunteer you don't need any prior experience in what we are doing, we will teach you as well as learn from you.

Workshop participants cutting ceramic tiles, glass and mirror

If you have free time on your hands and want to help beautify and build the community, come join us.


It could be a 2 hour commitment or a 9 day commitment. Sign up here!


You will create, set up tiles, cut mirrors, and get involved in the whole making of the project!

Join us in creating and making a difference! Let's make a positive social impact together! don't miss out… be part of history.


Any of these options will help us make this dream come true…

Will you join us?

Workshop participants helping to create the Tile Park in Puerto Vallarta at one of Natasha Moraga’s three day workshops.





Please sign up at our information page before working with us so we can plan ahead. Feel free to stop by and see what we’re doing and then sign up for a time slot to help out, but don’t wait so long that you miss out!


The designs and colors are set, you will be following instructions and working side by side with members of our team.


Remember to wear a hat, some sunglasses, comfortable clothes, and closed shoes, no sandals. We will provide water, please bring a cup or a mug to use while working.


Come with a great attitude and be ready to work, have fun, make friends and get a little dirty!


We hope you can join us for at least 3 hours, so you can fully enjoy the experience and become  a part of our team.


Thank you for joining us! Let’s get this mosaic done!



Can I make my own design in the area where I’m working?

No, the designs have been made in advance of the installation. We appreciate you helping to bring the designs to life! If you’d like to work on the design with us, join us for the five day workshop!


Can I bring others to come work with us on the mosaic while I volunteer?

Yes! The more the merrier! We do ask that pets stay home, though. We don’t want them to get hurt.

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